Saturday, December 13, 2008

Happy Birthday to ME!

I am one blessed birthday girl!
I get to be with my kids today. I get to hold my grandbaby while my kids cook dinner for me. I get to decorate Christmas cookies with my family. I get to watch my kids decorate our Christmas tree and retell the stories behind each and every ornament. I get to watch Emolyn see her Popop's train go around our church village for the very first time. I get to take our annual tripod Christmas family pic. And I get to... because, well, it's my birthday!

And sometime during the day, I get to sit back and take it all in... Shawn's ingenious ways of making us all laugh (he is so funny!), Nicole's quick wit and humor (so is she), Miranda's love of tradition (she invariably knows whose turn it is to put the star on the tree), Tyler's inability to be anything but real and sincere (and sweet), the gift of our Emolyn Kate this Christmas (the best gift of all), and delighting in how mushy and sentimental my husband is (especially this time of year).
And me? I get to treasure all these moments and never forget... how very, very blessed I am.


  1. I checked my back logs of tree decorating pictures and it's my turn to put the star up!!!

  2. I love your family so much! I hope you have a great birthday/christmas weekend

    (p.s. I also will be tree and cookie decorating this weekend.)

  3. Happy Bday Linda!

  4. Sounds like a wonderful time of year. I'm glad you're soaking it up. I look forward to this time so much. I'm excited for our evening with you guys coming up pretty soon! :)

  5. I missed this! Happy *late* birthday!


  6. I am so sorry I am late on this but I had actually thought we would have our christmas cards out by then and then I was going to send a little note with it for your birthday but of course things are delayed. Read my blog later and you will understand!!

    Happy Happy Birthday to an awesome Aunt!!! lova ya so much kristen

  7. Here's more ways we're alike - - - my birthday is in December too!!!! December 30.

    I've spent LOTS of time in Eau Claire - - - one of my FAVORITE cousins lived there and graduated from North High School.

    This is a very small Wisconsin world we have just warped into!!!

    Ain't blogging the grandest?!?
