Wednesday, January 21, 2009

my retro alarm clock

Ever since I saw one similar to this one I have wanted one of my very own. A retro alarm clock. Not so much an I Love Lucy one but more like the one I saw at Hobby Lobby for around $20.00. Elsie has that one and you can see it here in several of her photos.
Well, I went to Savers last week and found this beauty. For $1.50. And it's metal, not plastic. Sooo happy. Love the colors, the design and how it looks on my desk at work.
Shawn & Nicole got me the sweet coffee mug for Christmas. How cute is that- Grandmas are Mommies with Lots of Frosting. We are, you know.

Sorry that I've been rather sporadic in blogging lately. I am one of the speakers at our Woman's Retreat this weekend. And it has consumed my thoughts night and day... for weeks and months. I don't think I have ever cried so much... prayed so much... or learned so much. Isn't that always the case? It's in the processing, the preparing, the grappling... that we finally get it and we are forever changed. If I was unable to share what I've prepared to another living soul... it will have been worth it. I am humbled to have walked this journey. I will tell you more about it after the retreat. But hey, if you think of it, pray for me. Thanks.


  1. Interesting - - - I spoke today in chapel, and I had to "grapple' a bit with that one myself.

  2. Anonymous8:25 PM

    I haven't been to many blogs lately and needed to catch up on your mug and clock!! What a find!! And I will pray for you with speaking....when I was asked to teach young adults in my Spanish church....I soon came to realize He was teaching ME something....such a priviledge...I would say grapple-ing is probably a good thing...amazing what He uses to teach us more and more....Awesome that you were willing! Sherry

  3. Love the clock!

    From what I could tell you did a great job on Saturday. I heard lots of laughter and saw a few tears as well. I can't wait to hear the whole thing.
