Sunday, January 11, 2009

snowflakes and blooms

So, around these parts, when you don't get your tree up till the 13th... you take it down a lot later than usual... like yesterday. But yes, Christmas is gone. I keep my winter decor up a little longer... like my mitten garland over the window and anything with snowflakes. I'm into snowflakes this year. So you can imagine my sheer delight when I saw this pic on my friend Amy's Facebook yesterday. The perfect snowflake! I was stunned by this image of an actual snowflake! Who knew!

Miranda is doing great, other than a bad cold. She is going to meet up with a dear friend of ours from Denver today. Greg has been working in London for the past three months and is going to show her around the city. Greg and his family lived in Phoenix for many years and we sure miss them. But we are thrilled that Miranda will have her very own personal tour guide for the next couple weekends before he goes back to Denver. Thanks Greg!

When Randy's Dad died back in April, our dear, thoughtful Home Group gave us a beautiful rose bush to plant in memory of Dad Thompson. But within days it was covered in bugs and soon after died. We were sad to see it go, but eventually replaced it with a Cape Plumbago bush. Well, after months of neglect, you can imagine my surprise when I looked out my bedroom window yesterday and saw that it was blooming! Randy & I just love the color of the Cape Plumbago blooms! Don't you just!


  1. So fun that Greg and Miranda are there at the same time for a while. I sure love their family--while I know you're sad they're in Denver, we're pretty glad!


  2. My tree just went down on Thursday! :)
    The blooms are gorgeous.

  3. I took down our christmas stuff this weekend too, and finally finished my tree skirt from 2 years ago!

  4. I too like to keep things up like snowmen and their little flake conterpart and mittens hanging about.

    The flower is beautiful- does it have a scent?

  5. Our tree is still up and lit...hoping to get it down this week.

    Sad that the rose bush died. I LOVE the blooms on that plant! You'll have to show us what the whole bush looks like. How big does it get?

    We're hoping to do landscaping in front soon and I'd love to include that.

  6. My stuff is all still up. I thought I'd take it down yesterday - - - but was sick in bed all afternoon instead. No worries - - - I'll get it down before Valentine's Day!!!

    I SOOOOOO glad to hear there are few others out there who put it up a little later and keep it up a little longer. Ahhhhhhhhhh justification.

  7. I love that the snowflake made it to your blog! :) It was our last day in Tahoe, packing up to drive to the airport. There was a little snow flurry going on outside so I had to go enjoy the last minutes to take some pictures and dance around in it. I started getting little white specks on me and looked down at my arm to see dozens and dozens of REAL snowflakes on me. What a dream! This was the only good picture I got. :) I'm glad you enjoy it!
