Saturday, January 17, 2009

weekend madness

Lots happening in the Valley of the Sun this weekend.

*** added Sunday, Jan. 18th @ 5 PM-
The CARDINALS are going to the SUPER BOWL!!!
The CARDINALS are going to the SUPER BOWL!!!

~33,000 running in P.F. Chang's Rock 'n Roll Marathon. I will not be one of them.

~ 75,000 cheering on the Cardinals at University of Phoenix Stadium for the NFC Championship game: Arizona Cardinals vs. Philadelphia Eagles. No way are the lowly Cards a mere game away from the Super Bowl! GO CARDS!

~ Probably shouldn't tell you that it's in the 70's and that we'll be grilling and hiking and thanking God... that we don't live in other parts of the country where... umm, you can't grill and hike. So I won't tell you that.
*** Just talked to my brother and it was -40 at the farm in WI this morning and that's not factoring in the wind chill! Yikes!

~ Randy & I went yard saling this morning, but first, a Dunkin' Donuts run to experience the best iced lattes ever! Love their coffee!

~ Miranda's spending the weekend in London with our dear friend Greg. They're hoping to see the Broadway show "Thriller".

~ We're done! We have just completed the 50 State Quarters Program by finding 4 Hawaii quarters today! We have been collecting the state quarters for each of our three kids and a set for Randy & I since January, 1999. I remember thinking back then, we'll be doing this for the next ten years?! We have pretty much stayed on schedule till the last one (Hawaii) came out in Nov. and we are just now finding them! It's been fun though! I'll miss it.


  1. I hope your Cardinals win tomorrow. Edge used to be my favorite Colt - - - I'm just a running back kinda gal!

  2. Are you watching your Cardinals!?!

    I am so excited - - - hope they will play like this in the second half.

    "My" Edge is making me PROUD.

  3. Hubby had to go to work, I'm here ALONE watching it with no one to cheer with!!!!

    Larry Fitzgerald - - - WOW!!!!

    I'm loving it - - - I want the Cardinals to not only GO to the SB, but to WIN it.

    My Colts had their turn two years ago - - - I'm willing to share the "joy."

  4. You did it! You did it! You did it!!!!

    Cardinals are goin' to the Superbowl!!!!

  5. Hi,,, I was blog hopping and saw your post... I cant believe the CARDS ARE GOING TO THE SUPERBOWL. So awesome. I had friends in the marathon,,, but no way me! lol Cant beat the 70's either. Have a super week... gail

  6. I'm so far behind on reading blogs, but thought I'd come by to see what you said about the Cards game. What! No pictures of them? It was a FANTASTIC game! Not sure when I'll get my pics up since it's a busy week...keep checking back though.

    I love popcorn too!

    I'm still in need of a few of my state quarters. If I give you a list will you watch for them for me?
