Friday, April 10, 2009

the journey begins

And I have quite a story to tell.
So, as you can see, Randy & I were sooo anxious for the journey to begin, that we arrived at Sky Harbor 3 hours early, which is why our gate was pretty sparse when we arrived. We were immediately told that the plane would be leaving an hour later than scheduled. No problem, we'll facebook and people-watch. But no sooner did the plane start down the runway that we noticed it heading back to the gate. My heart sank when the pilot announced that the second engine was gone and we had to get off and reschedule our flight. I was stunned. This can't be happening. Don't get me wrong, I was grateful that they discovered the problem on the runway rather than in midair. But I gotta tell you, this was screwing up our plans to get to England. But, strangely enough, I was sorta calm too.
Anyway, we were told to take a later flight to Minneapolis, spend the night and take an afternoon flight to England. We would lose a whole day with Miranda. No way. So we went to the ticket desk to find other ways. A sweet lady checked every way possible to get us there... but never mentioned going thru LA. So I asked her if she could get us to LA and then maybe we could do a non-stop on British Airways. She looked at me and said "well, I guess I could check that out." It was then that the waters parted and we witnessed a miracle!! Yes, a dad-gum miracle! She not only got us to LA on a 7 PM flight... but we made it in time to fly non-stop on British Airways to London! And get this, we were only going to be arriving 3 hours later than originally planned! Praise God! After spending 7 hours at Sky Harbor, we were on our way. We had a wonderful 10 hour flight from LA to London. I highly recommend British Airways! And we were reunited with our daughter at Heathrow and all is well with the world!!
Thank you for your continued prayers. We feel the love!


  1. Oh what a fun trip!!! Enjoy every second.

  2. Well, not the delay part - - - the rest. After I wrote that comment I was afraid it would sound like the delay/chaos was the fun part!!!

  3. Hooray! Make her put you in a video.

  4. I'm SO excited for you guys! YAY!

  5. Can't wait till we start seeing the pics of your time across the pond!

    Have fun!

  6. Things don't always go smoothly when flying but PTL he showed up in a mighty way!

  7. I cant wait to hear from you guys!

  8. God is good. Enjoy your trip.

  9. Hooray and LA and British Airways saved the day!! Enjoy!! lori
