Sunday, April 26, 2009

London Hillsong & Hampton Court

Easter Sunday and we're off to London Hillsong. I'm wearing my new Easter scarf. Scarves are all the rage in London. I bought this one at Marshall's before I left and then an aqua one at Piccadilly Circus. Anyway, wait till you see my aqua running shoes I am wearing for Easter. Oh, and my aqua jacket. (that I proceeded to leave at our hotel when we left. that Miranda later found) OK, enough fashion talk.

So we literally got off the tube, climbed up the steps from the underground and there was Hillsong! We enter this gorgeous theater and we were immediately welcomed. And it was not a you are in my space kinda welcome but very genuine and sincere. It was electrifying... the place was swirling with energy and young people dressed in black pants and cool black t-shirts that said ASK ME? The next two hours were unlike anything I had ever experienced. At one point I leaned over and said to Randy, and we're paying what to see "Wicked" tomorrow night? This was as top notch as anything I'd seen on Broadway. The worship was powerful, the Easter presentation was gut wrenching and real. We walked out of the theater speechless. No words to explain what we had witnessed.

Hampton Court is where King Henry VIII built his 750 acre Palace. Oh my gosh, acres and acres of the most gorgeous gardens I have ever seen. And btw, April is when all the tulips and daffodils and hyacinths are in bloom. Breathtaking and beautiful!

Here we are making our way out of the most famous maze in the history of the world. And believe me, it wasn't easy getting out.

This is the home of King Henry VIII in all it's grandeur. A tad bit overwhelming, intimidating and ginormous if you ask me. Not your run-of-the-mill cozy cottage in the woods that I dream about.

My Easter outfit reveal! Am I styling or what! OK, so did it bother me that I was like the only person in London wearing color? Did it bother me that I was the only person in London wearing aqua shoes? No. Not in the least. Quite frankly, I may have started something.

Miranda found her knight in shining armor at Hampton Court Palace. He's definitely taken a shine to her. And you can't help but see how the lovely couple is glowing. I mean, that's gotta count for something.

To honor King Henry's 500th birthday, they have reenactments going on throughout the Palace during the month of April. As I told you in an earlier post, at the wedding of King Henry VIII & The Queen Catherine Parr, the Queen eyed Randy and appointed him her Master of the Horses. We were asked to follow the King & Queen in the procession leading out to the courtyard where hundreds of people awaited. It was quite an honor. Miranda took pictures but they were too dark. Anyway, Randy thinks he's all royal or something... and I have found him to be quite hard to live with ever since. A royal pain, if you know what I mean.

Just kidding!


  1. Great stuff! Love your aqua attire. London needs some perking up once in a while. Those flowers are amazing! I'll bet it smelled wonderful with them all in bloom too!

    Can't wait to hear more about it on Thursday.

  2. We went to Hampton Court in the late fall, and I can promise you it's a WHOLE lot prettier in the spring! LOL The pictures of the flowers are absolutely gorgeous! I bet it smelled heavenly--I love the scent of hyacinths.

    I adore your aqua shoes. :)

  3. I love to hear your stories but so wish I could sit around your laptop, looking at pictures and hearing the stories in person! I love how you tell a story!
