Monday, June 22, 2009

She's coming home!

Miranda is coming home! She'll be landing at Sky Harbor in 12 hours. And I can hardly wait! She's been going to school in London and traveling the world for the past 6 months. Take a moment and head on over to her blog and read what she posted this morning HERE. She could not have said it any better.
To God be the glory, great things He has done- in and through my daughter these past 6 months. Her Dad & I are so grateful that we could trust a loving Father to watch over her. She is forever changed. And as she said, the journey is not over. The Lord has more for her in this next season of her life. And I can't wait to watch it unfold.


  1. We had a great time tonight! Dinner was fantastic!

  2. Hi Linda,
    I'm so excited for you and Randy to have your girl back home! She has had such a wonderful adventure. What a huge gift from God these last 6 months have been for her. Have a blast this week --and in weeks to come-- hearing even more about her great experiences!
    Love, Judi
