Tuesday, August 25, 2009

30th Anniversary

While we were traveling back from CO last week, Randy & I would occasionally look at each other and say "No way! 30 years!" We could hardly believe that we would be celebrating 30 years of marriage today. No way! Not 30 years. That means we should be old or something. And we're not. Right?
Anyway, I love being married to this man. And we are more in love than ever before. I seriously don't know what I did to deserve such a loving, giving, kind and thoughtful husband. He's so patient with me and if you know me at all, you know that isn't always easy. I love that we can spend 15 straight hours on the road talking and dreaming and laughing and crying... and know that we could turn around and do it again in a week and have even more to talk and dream about.

We loved out wedding day. And this photo happens to be one of my favorites. It was not posed... just candid and natural. We sang at our reception along with some of our other musician friends. So as you can imagine, there was lots of love and laughter going on in that little church hall back in August of '79.

God truly gave me the man of my dreams. But to be honest, I never dreamed of someone like Randy. I didn't think someone like him existed. I also never dreamed about my wedding day. Ever. I never thought about my gown or the flowers or a reception. Never. But I did dream about being married. And these past 30 years have far surpassed anything I ever hoped or imagined. And I am forever grateful.

*** Thanks Nancy for taking our 30th Wedding Anniversary portrait at Fish Creek Falls, CO last week! (the top pic) Love it!


  1. You have the same head tilt in the first & last pics! The last one remains one of my faves of you guys.

  2. Congratulations! What an accomplishment. You are truly blessed!

  3. Wow! I forgot it was your 30th! WOW! We should have had some kind of celebration or something! It's been great to share so many of those years with both of you. We're blessed to be able to call you friends.

  4. Happy Anniversary! May there be 30 more beautiful years in your future together. :)

  5. Congrats! And I love that picture! I hope you are blowing it up for the entry way!

  6. Happy Anniversary you two! God blessed you with each other, such a inspiration! Your as adorable now as then! And its so hard to believe 30 years you look so young now! Guess the wonderful love you share keeps you so youthful! Keep it up forever!! Best wishes, Lori
    Talked to my son in Surprise, says its pretty hot there!
