Friday, August 21, 2009

Gondola ride

The gondola ride up Mt. Werner was definitely one of the highlights of our Steamboat stay.

The scenery as we climbed 2000 ft. was breathtaking... and around 10 degrees cooler at the top.

We hiked a couple of the many trails and took a ton of pictures. How could we not when every time we turned a corner we saw the ultimate photo op.

Most of the photos I'm posting were taken by Nancy. Be sure to check out her blog posts.

And yes, that would be Randy on the phone. Um, you're on vacation honey.


  1. Its so green! Im confused I thought it is supposed to brown!
    You missed a great storm tonight!

  2. It was so great to have you guys there! Sorry we worked you so hard. We hiked more on Thursday and Friday too. Too bad I ate so much this week. Even though I burned lots of calories, I expect that I'm about the same place I was when I left.

    It was fun enjoying the great outdoors with you.

    Oh, and we bought more peaches to bring home!

  3. Just catching up! Looks like it was a wonderful vacation!!!
