Wednesday, August 05, 2009

latest links I love

A couple months ago, I was contacted by John Deere. Umm, that would be the John Deere tractor company. They had found my blog post about my Dad's love of John Deere. They wanted to do a story for a new series on their blog site called Driving Down Memory Lane in a John Deere. I was thrilled. They had me research the various John Deere implements that we have used on the farm over the past 50 years. My brothers Ron, Gary and Kevin helped answer all the questions that John Deere had sent me. It was so fun to finally have all this documented, whether they used it all in the article or not.
Yesterday the article came out on the machinefinder blog. Click HERE to read all about it. How cool is that!

Recently one of my favorite bloggers took me on a tour of her lovely garden. She happens to live on Prince Edward Island and I simply adore Prince Edward Island and find myself fantasizing about living there all the time... especially when it's hotter than hell here. But really and truly, I would be quite satisfied just visiting the island. I dream of sitting out in her lush garden sipping tea and taking in the sights, sounds and scents surrounding her stunning property. Click HERE and see what I'm talking about.

Oh, and I have another fantasy... owning a vintage travel trailer. Now come on, work with me... have you seen what they are doing with these beauties? Oh my gosh, I have found so many links to these little homes on wheels that I just had to share a few. Check out THIS link. And be sure to feast your eyes on THESE. And if you're hooked, then take some time to peruse the mother lode of all vintage loveliness HERE. (yes, over 300!) Can you guess which one is my favorite? Of course, the 1956 Shasta! (pictured below) The year I was born. Isn't she cute? And I would name her and everything. I do believe Randy is slowly warming up to the idea. I mean, look at her! How can he not!


  1. Anonymous7:47 AM

    OMG....that trailer things looks unbelievable! How cute is that. Could you actually live in it?

  2. They are so cute - - - but I wonder about my claustrophobia.

  3. Oh Linda that is you. Love the color and awning..soooo cute and homey..Hugs Bette

  4. Oh Linda that is you. Love the color and awning..soooo cute and homey..Hugs Bette

  5. I love the article and of course that trailer is adorable!

  6. Love the aqua trailer! I'd love to go to PEI too, so let's plan a trip some summer. I don't think I could ever talk Terry into a trailer with all the complexity of backing up with it, etc. He may eventually cave to a self-contained SMALL RV, but never a trailer. They are really cute though.

    So sweet about John Deere. What an honor!

  7. Linda,
    Many thanks again to you and your family on behalf of John Deere for all your support and business over the years. It’s great to see that John Deere can help contribute to a family’s business and enjoyment of farming as well. Thank you and your family for being part of the John Deere family for so long!

    Scott Alden
    John Deere

  8. You know what I think would be a blast? I sell Finnish Cardamom bread in our area. It would be so awesomely fun to have one of those as a little "shop", wouldn't it? My own little bake shoppe! Love your blog, by the way! Karen
