Thursday, September 24, 2009

Erica & Nate's wedding

Congrats Erica & Nate!
What a beautiful wedding!
And the best part was spending time with my whole family the whole weekend!

The Three Sisters had fun hanging out at the rehearsal before we went to Club 95 in Hixton for the rehearsal dinner. Yes, they serve the best Friday Fish Fry ever along with an amazing buffet!

Miranda and her cousin Kristen from Oklahoma look so much alike. When Miranda styled their hair for the festivities, you would swear they were sisters!

My sister Ginny, Miranda & I spent the morning of the wedding at the Plaza in Eau Claire putting on the chair covers and bows. So fun imagining 300 people filling the room later that day.

Miranda and her Grandma Larson
We arrived at the church in plenty of time to take lots of pictures with friends and family. The day could not have been more beautiful.

Me & my Mom
My Mom will be 80 in April and she looks amazing. So healthy and fit. So proud of how she cares for herself.

Me & my beautiful daughter Miranda

Miranda stopping traffic on main street in Whitehall, WI just outside the church.
Whitehall (pop. 1500) is where I went to high school and graduated in 1975 with 73 in my graduating class. Go Whitehall Norsemen!
I rode the bus an hour to school and an hour home, all through Jr. High and High school. And what did we do to while away the hours? We played a card game called Whist. How we managed to balance playing cards on our books as the school bus rumbled along the bumpy country roads is beyond me. But we did and we loved it.

Miranda with the flower girls Mya & Kennady
Mya (3) & Kennady (6) are Kristen's daughters and my sister Kathy's granddaughters from Newcastle, Oklahoma.

No, Erica is not a runaway bride. She is changing shoes before she hops on the wedding limo bus. You see, on the way to the reception, the wedding party stopped by for a friendly game of football at the UW-Eau Claire football field. Erica's husband played football for the Blugolds. What a cool wedding photo op! Love these two pics that Erica posted on FB.

We made sure to gather the Larson cousins together for a photo. We were sad that my sons Shawn & Tyler were not in attendance for the photo shoot. Mmm, maybe we could photo-shop them in somehow.

Gary & Mom and David & I dancing to the Beer Barrel Polka!
David is a dear family friend that I have known all my life. What an inspiration he is to many. He has struggled with recurring cancer for the past several years but he is living life to the fullest. He leaves next week for Alaska with his 86 year old uncle! I know, how cool is that! But seriously, there isn't a better dance partner that I can think of than David. What a special guy.

Kevin, Kathy, Ron, Ginny, Gary & I
One of the highlights of the reception was gathering the six brothers & sisters together for a photo op. When I was growing up I always made a big deal when we were all together by saying "the family's together!". We were together as siblings at the wedding with our Mom, but we were ALL going to be together the next day at the nursing home with our Dad.

We danced to everything you can imagine... from polkas to waltzes, Lady Gaga to Journey, the Beatles to Alabama.

The White Russian girls are making a toast to the evening festivities. I've taken a fondness to drinks that support the local dairy farmers. And seriously, anything with half & half has got to be good, right?


  1. I love this post Aunt Linda! I wish we could all be together like this more often...we sure missed the rest of your family! By the way I am hoping to get all of your pictures of the weekend just incase some of yours are better:)
    the white russians were amazing and I loved dancing with the family...the last time we all did that was probably Sharon and Kevins wedding! miss you already!

  2. what a great selections of pictures! it sure was a fun wedding and special memories with everyone being together again. thanks, linda.

  3. Looks like an amazing wedding, and glad you had a great time. Oh, congratulations to the bride and groom at Furniture and Design Ideas.


  4. Hi Linda,
    Looks like you had a wonderful time! I can imagine how busy you were just enjoying being with your family~ Great pics, I enjoyed them so much. Where are you in the family lineup, middle child I was thinking? One of the blogger ladies I've gotten to know has said she would like to have a tea when I come out with AZ Bloggers, wouldn't that be fun! I will let you know more details as I find out and it gets closer. I have to start looking for airfare soon. I am so glad you had a wonderful time and I will see you next month! Oh and the bride and groom are gorgeous! Hugs, Cindy

  5. Family weddings are the best! I love to polka, around here we used to polka all the time, seems to be dying out here in NW Ohio.
    Leigh Ann

  6. Looks like a great time, Linda! So glad you were able to be there for the festivities.
