Friday, September 04, 2009

september snippets

~ I've been doing Jillian's 30-day Shred for the past two weeks. Level 1 is killin me, with 2 more levels to go!
~ Got my hair cut rather short this week and I like it.
~ Got my very first makeup makeover at Macy's yesterday. Randy thought I looked so pretty that he told me I should wear makeup more often. So I will.
~ Two weeks from today Miranda & I leave for my nieces wedding in Wisconsin. Can't wait!
~ I had steel-cut oatmeal for the 1st time in CO. Very good. And good for you. Thanks Terry :)
~ Everything is tasting better after 2 weeks without hardly any sugar... had to have 3 bites of chocolate cake on our 30th.
~ I love Project Runway! Makes me want to sew something using lint and bruised banana peels :)
~ I am pathetic at Bejeweled Blitz. And that's all I got to say about that.
~ Forgot how much I love the The Corrs, especially their Live in Dublin CD. That is one talented Irish family.
~ Bret Favre in a Viking uniform... umm, no words.
~ A thriving Cupcake Catering business on wheels! We're talkin vintage Shasta trailer wheels! Oh, be still my heart! Check out this baby shower HERE.
~ My 20 year old enlisted Marine son still calls me Mommy. And this Mommy is hoping he never stops.
~ BIG NEWS!!! REE from PIONEER WOMAN is going on a book tour to promote her newly released cookbook and she'll be 2 miles from my home in Tempe, Arizona on November 5th @ Changing Hands Bookstore!!
~ Found Emolyn's Cinderella gown at my little thrift store for a dollar. She loves it. I got all teary watching her prance around like the little Princess that she is.

~ Oh and the doll bed was Miranda's when she was Emolyn's age! Yes, I saved everything... but I'm glad I did!


  1. Busy busy Linda! I wanna see pics of your hair please.

  2. Can't wait to see your new look! Sounds great! You're beautiful no matter what though!

    I'd love to go to the book signing with you.

  3. The pics are darling!!! Especially the first one! She looks all caught up in the fantasy!!!

  4. My girls are 2.5 and 6 months, this all looks and sounds very familiar!
