Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wisconsin here I come!

Thursday morning Miranda and I will be taking off for Wisconsin! I could not be more excited! Do you want to know why?

I get to spend time on the farm where I grew up.

I get to experience Autumn. You know, gourds and pumpkins and scarecrows. Oh my.

I get to attend my niece Erica's wedding. That's Erica on the right, with my daughter Miranda, when they were younger. They decided to pick the apples from their grandparents apple tree and sell them in their little make-shift produce stand. (thanks to Little Tykes) Quite the savvy businesswomen I must say.

Erica and our son Shawn are only 3 months apart. Can't believe they're 27 years old now... and both married.

I get to stop at real roadside stands and then wish I could take home armloads of pumpkins and bushel bags of honeycrisp apples.

I get to sew with my sisters. I made the above handbag last October. Ginny made the darling pincushion. I wonder what she will teach us this time?

I get to spend time with my family. This picture was taken at my Dad's 80th birthday celebration in 2006. The last time we were all together.

I get to visit my Dad in the nursing home. It will be nice to be together again.


  1. Honeycrisp. Oh yeah.

    You comin' thru Cheyenne? You're welcome at Hotel de Baysinger anytime.

  2. And I HOPE you get to eat at Norske Nook.

    And you get to breathe in that wonderful Wisconsin air.

    And I HOPE you'll get to eat a little cheese.

    And - - - you'll soak in all that wonderful Wisconsin-ness to store in your heart for the long months ahead when you'll be stuck in Arizona.


    I went three times this spring and summer and I go again tomorrow in a HEART BEAT!!!!

  3. I'm so excited for you Linda! What an awesome time to be able to go back there and so much fun in store for you. Please please drink some fresh apple cider for me. Maybe you can ship a gallon or so home?

    Have a blast and enjoy your time with your family. We'll miss you.

  4. Hi Linda,
    Call me if you get a chance. We're only 6 miles from Hixton. Our number is in the book. Isn't that Keetha funny! She sure loves Wisconsin!! We could meet at the Norske Nook for lunch!! Hugs and have a safe trip! Cindy

  5. Oh to be in the Midwest now that Fall is here! Every year I say I'm going back to Illinois is October....and every year something comes up and I don't go! : ) Post lots of pictures when you get home! Can't wait to hear all about it!
