Sunday, October 04, 2009

Fall in Phoenix

Hey everyone! What a weekend to be laid up. The temps have dropped and I've been stuck indoors after surgery to remove a lipoma from my thigh. I'm doing great, healing nicely. The worse part, other than being stuck in bed, was the 9 hours of no water or food before the 1 PM surgery.

I woke up Friday morning at 3:45 am, drank my last glass of water and proceeded to stay awake till the 1 PM surgery. Truly the longest 9 hours of my life. I was miserable, cranky, hungry, thirsty and caffeine deprived. My poor family.

Anyway, I decided the day before my surgery I would decorate for Fall. I was inspired by my visit to Wisconsin a couple weeks ago. Let me tell you, they do it up big-time. I kept trying to figure out ways to get corn shucks, pumpkins and gourds home.
The above water pump was a gift from my Dad several years ago. It's huge and barely fit in our van. Randy then wired it so that it's a water feature. Love the sound of running water coming from the backyard.

What a treat to unpack after-Halloween thrift store finds. This lighted Disney jack-o-lantern was found at a yard sale last year and was a total surprise while I was unpacking. We're a Disney-lovin family! SO guess what? We booked our tickets for a family Disneyland vacation Nov. 6-8th!! SO excited!

Don't you just love the packaging on this wine bottle? We have yet to enjoy this apple cider wine that we bought at a winery in Door County, WI a few years ago. And it's served warm. Hey, I even bought THIS so that I could continue to use the bottle after we finally consumed its goodness. Hey, this could be the year. Cheers!


  1. Hi Linda,
    Everything looks so pretty~ I do see some Wisconsin touches there. So sorry about the surgery, glad to hear your feeling better. I love your backyard area, it looks so charming! Can't wait for our trip! Cindy

  2. I forgot to tell you on Thursday that I love that Mickey pumpkin! I'm planning to get out my fall stuff by next weekend because I want it all up for Terry's mom birthday party. It's nice that the weather is cooperating in making it feel a little more like fall.

    Looks like we're going back to see Terry's dad and wife in North Carolina at the beginning of November. I'm looking forward to some great Fall color back there.

  3. Everything looks lovely! Love the candy in the jar!

  4. I love the white pumpkin and oh my goodness the candy dish is something I truly need...please share where you got it! But knowing you it is a one of a kind item that you found at your little thrift fair, :( I will be on the look out still...xoxo

  5. Oh my gosh Linda, I love all your decorations!!!!! This is my favorite time of year and I don't have nearly enough decorations for around my house! I am very jealous:)
