Sunday, November 01, 2009

AZ Bloggers Luncheon

You know how much I love a great story. Well, this is a good one. This is my long-lost 4-H friend Cindy from Wisconsin, that I was reunited with at the AZ Bloggers Luncheon last Friday. Cindy & I knew each other through 4-H and competed in the Jackson County Dress Revue each year throughout high school. We had not seen nor heard from each other in 35 years. Well, a few months ago while reading my favorite blogs I came upon her Applestone Cottage blog. I loved the name and decided to check it out. (like I needed another blog in my life) Well, it became quite obvious that this blogger was from where I grew up. And her son lived in Tempe. So I emailed her and told her I knew a Cindy from 4-H back in the 70's and sure enough, this was her! And, get this, she is married to Dan whom I knew from high school! Talk about a small world!

We immediately began making plans to reconnect when she came out here to visit her son in October. Several AZ bloggers decided to have a luncheon while she was here and Cindy invited me to join them. So Cindy & I rode to the luncheon together. I shared my life as we drove to the luncheon and she shared her life home from the luncheon. And during the luncheon, we met the most wonderful women! Marty & Ceekey greeted us at Gooseberries when we arrived. Such dear, precious women. They made me feel so welcome.

Karen surprised Cindy by driving all the way from California to the luncheon, so they could finally meet face to face! How cool is that!

I sat by the talented & lovely Laura and the sweet as can be Sherry. Had the nicest visited with Liz who had heard my husband in concert a few years ago. Again, small world.
Be sure to click all the highlighted names so you can feast your eyes on some of the most beautiful blogs out there!

We all brought a fall decoration for a gift exchange. Look what I received from Char! She made that pumpkin! I immediately filled the candy dish with autumn MnM's. I know it's empty. But I just couldn't stop myself. Thanks again Char!

As I was linking to these lovely ladies I saw that Marty had posted the best group picture of all 17 bloggers at the luncheon. Be sure to visit her blog A Stroll thru Life as she posted other luncheon pics along with links to the rest of the ladies.
Thank you again to all you delightful women with extraordinary blogs! We are truly connected for life!


  1. Oh Linda, what a thrill to meet you and get to know you a little. I so enjoyed our lunch. Everyone was so much fun and I think everyone left with a lot of new friends. Thank you so much for bringing Cyndi with you and what a thrill that you two found each other and got reacquainted. It was a fabulous and fun day and I can't wait until we can all meet again. Thanks for helping make such a memorable day for me. Hugs, Marty

  2. Oh was so fun to meet you. As I go through your blog I see so many things we have in common. And now I keep thinking about 70's things for that, remember mug trees!
    I am going to add you to my blog roll so I can keep up with you...but seriously, we have to get together more need to introduce me to some favorite places on the EAST side!!! Hope you are having a great to you soon!

  3. LInda! What a kick! I am so glad I got to meet you and everyone else. I still can't get over how you found Cindy. That is just so cool.
    Well, I went to Hobby Lobby! GASP! It was very fun!
    I "borrowed" one of your pictures of all the loot we had at our place settings. Thank you very much. I just kept forgetting to take pictures! I was too busy GABBING!
    OK, when is the next one? But we need more time! I want to talk longer! We'll just have to wait until Cindy comes back into town. Even if it is a little smaller group - I told Marty we could all hang out in my hotel room! LOL.
    Cindy and Dan are on the plane . . . and he's missing his football game.
    Gosh, it all went sos fast!
    But boy was it fun!
    HUGS! Karen

  4. How cool!!!

    I just read on Cindy's blog this morning about the AZ blog party, wish I lived in AZ so I could have been there!!!

    I think it's awesome that you reconnected through our wonderful blog land!!!

  5. Good Morning Linda,
    Thank-you again for picking me up and what a blast I had! You look great and I still can't get over how we met up again! We made it home safe and sound and in only 5 hours, plane ride and drive from MSP airport included! Dan got to listen to the last part of the Packer game on the radio although it was a bit frustrating for him to say the least! It was a balmy 58 degrees when we got to MSP, which is actually good for November! Take care and of course I will be checking in often! Hugs, Cindy

  6. I had SO much fun meeting you in person. I just can't wait to do it again.

  7. HI LInda!!!!
    I'm so glad I got a chance to meet you at the AZ bloggers lunch!!! Wasn't that so much fun!!!!!
    I hope next time to sit by you, so we can get to know each other better!!!Our little state has some real gem of ladies!!!!
    I had a blast!!!!
