Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Randy's Christmas Concert!

Randy's Annual Christmas Concert is coming up Friday, Dec. 4th & Saturday, Dec. 5th. You are all invited to this free concert in Phoenix. Randy has been doing his Christmas concert for 15+ years but was unable to do it last year so this year we are offering you two nights to choose from. Hope you can join us at our church auditorium on 19th Ave. between Northern & Dunlap starting at 7PM. Seating is limited so come early.
You will be hearing most of the songs off his "Through Different Eyes" CD and as always he will be joined by his band and his family... Shawn on lead guitar, Miranda, Tyler & I singing back up vocals on various songs with Randy. It is such a special evening. Plan for an hour and a half of inspiring music and stories that will make you laugh and cry. You will truly come away focused on the true meaning of Christ in Christmas.
Check out THIS post I did after Randy's Christmas concert two years ago so you can get an idea of what you will be experiencing.
And be sure to come talk to me after the concert!


  1. I wish I could be there Linda, I bet it's inspiring and I would love to hear you all sing! Hugs, Cindy

  2. We are going to really try and be there... I am so excited for Randy and the family. so awesome

    Lots of Hugs,
