Friday, December 18, 2009

my Dad passed away...

My Dad passed away peacefully this morning at 83 years old. My heart is aching but comforted by the realization that he was only in the nursing home for 5 months with aggressive Alzheimer. He is now at peace with the Lord. His mind is clear, the suffering is over. Thank you Jesus.
I immediately wanted you to know who my Dad was, so I am including a post that I wrote a few years ago for my Dad's 81st birthday.
Dad, your little Lindsay loves you and you will be forever missed.

My Dad is 81 years old today. Let me tell you about my Dad...
My Dad's a farmer. He retired from milking many years ago... but he still gets up every morning at the crack of dawn and goes down to the barn to scrape the gutters, clean the stanchions, lime the floors, feed the calves. He is a thoughtful, kind and hard-working, humble man. He is well respected in the community, loyal and very patriotic. He is a man of few words but when he does have something to say, people listen. It matters what he says. He loves to read. He's always learning. He likes to be well informed.
He was a smart farmer... a successful farmer. He took chances. He was progressive, ahead of the times. He also takes great pride in how the farm looks... his beautiful lawn, gorgeous flowers, his many birdhouses. He is from a family of nine brothers & sisters. He served in World War II. He is one of the most honest and integris men I know.

How do I thank him for the many ways he has influenced me just by being who he is? How do I let him know I appreciate his commitment to my Mom, his 6 kids, his community, his country?
I guess, by doing my best to be like him... to be good and kind and grateful.
Yes, my Dad is a farmer... but he is much more than that... he is my Dad... and a good, good man. Happy Birthday Dad!


  1. I am so sorry for your loss. How wonderful that you have such a wonderful dad and enjoyed so many years together!

  2. I'm so sorry for your loss - - - happy for him that he is now whole and complete again in Heaven.

    He looks JUST like a hard working, honest, down-home Wisconsin farmer - - - maybe because he was!

  3. So sorry to hear of his passing, but thankful that you know where he is now and that he is rejoicing with Jesus!

    We'll be praying for your travel arrangements and your time with your family and that the timing will work out smoothly for you.

  4. Linda, thank you for letting us know about your father. He surely was a wonderful man. AND he has a wonderful daughter who does stive to be like him. I lost my father 14 months ago, so I understand how you are feeling right now. Perhaps you are a little numb. Even though it was expected, when it happens it doesn't seem quite real. Yes.. your father is strong and healthy again.. in his prime. Perhaps our dads will meet. I think they had much in common.
    Take care. Hugs, prayers and blessings to you and your family.
    Ladybug Creek

  5. I am so sorry to hear about your Dad, Linda. I lost my Dad a few years back and he would be about 82 now. They sound so similar and both Wisconsin Farmers. If you come home and have a moment, give me a call. I can be a shoulder to cry on. Hugs, Cindy

  6. Oh Linda, I'm so sorry to hear that your father passed away. I know how much you loved him... he knew how much you loved him. How blessed you were to have a father you could speak so highly of. Very blessed. you are in my prayers, my friend. Love you!

  7. I am so sorry for your loss. I know you were so grateful to be able to spend time with your father recently, now that time seems even more precious, I am sure.

  8. We were watching a home video a few weeks ago of Grandpa Larson pulling the boys in a wagon with the four-wheeler. Alex was 4 and Parker was 1.5 yrs.
    We were never worried, we knew he would keep them safe and they drove all over the road and thru the whole farm. When I first met your parents they took us to the casino and Grandpa Larson kept winning, so he just kept giving us money to gamble with! He was such a wonderful person. Our family misses him.

  9. Linda, I am so sorry for your loss. (heavy exhale) I know what you are going through. I am thankful with you and for you that your Dad knows Jesus. He knows Him now perfectly...can you imagine that! He is in utter joy right now. And though your heart aches at the foreign feeling death brings, what a gift that you will see him again. I will be praying for you as you go through the process of grieving. Love, Judi

  10. Linda, what a lovely tribute to a good, good man. I'm sorry for your loss and for your grief, but thankful that you take comfort knowing that he passed his earthly test and now gets to rest for a while. One of my core beliefs is that families are eternal, and it brings me such comfort. I wish you sweet remembrances in the days ahead.

  11. I am so sorry for your loss. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Take care of one another.

    May God Bless you and your family.

