Friday, January 15, 2010

Miranda- one year later

The day after we arrived home from WI, we moved Miranda out... almost to the day that she moved to England a year ago. She lived in England for 6 months and back home with us for 6 months. And now she's living in a lovely home with two other gals, finishing up her last year at ASU. She misses England. She misses her friend Phoebe that she met her first week at Royal Holloway. And she misses the day-to-day adventures of living abroad.

It's hard to believe that it's been a year since we loaded her luggage, hugged her good-bye and watched her walk through security, out of our protective care. She wrote THIS on her blog while waiting for her flight. She would land in London knowing no one. She has to be the most courageous person I know. Thus began her journey that she documented on her blog "My Semester in a Castle".

Yes, this is where she lived near London. She attended Royal Holloway- University of London and traveled extensively throughout Europe for those 6 life-changing months.
She even circled her dorm room when she posted this pic on her blog. How cool is that! Oh and she does NOT miss the dorm life. The noise and chaos associated with 18 year olds living away from home for the first time... well, pretty crazy. And her bed was not much bigger than a cot and the internet was super slow. But otherwise, she misses everything else.

This is Miranda's new digs. Check out the lake in her backyard. Pretty cool. She's in walking distance to Jamba Juice and Starbucks. And she has two real sweet roommates.
It may not be the exotic adventures of a year ago but it's the journey that God has chosen for her right now. And I can't wait to see how 2010 unfolds. I feel that this year is going to be just as significant. I just know it.


  1. Thanks mom! What a great picture of the backyard :) I think I may it out there this morning and read!!

  2. Oh Linda,
    What a lovely daughter and what a cool adventure she had! I see brown and green back there and all I see here is white! hehe. Come by and see my snow scenes when you can. Happy Week-end, Cindy

  3. I enjoyed my visit to your blog. Come by and visit me at mine.
    What a wonderful adventure your daughter must have had in Europe and that castle....Wow!!

  4. Yeah, I'm kinda jealous of Europe AND the lake! Maybe she'll have us all over there sometime for lunch or a visit.

  5. Love her backyard!

    Hope you're having a great January, Linda!
