Sunday, January 10, 2010

one little word for 2010

What's up with 7 posts in the first 10 days of 2010? Well, the creative juices were flowin and I took advantage of the inspiration and wrote. Quite frankly, something's going on. I have oodles of energy and that translates into substantial amounts of progress on a number of fronts.

~ I'm weeding out. De-cluttering. Down-sizing. Simplifying.
~ I had a yard sale Saturday. Had a blast! And I made money to boot!
~ I'm thinking about exercising again. Like walking or shredding or something.
~ I'm becoming more aware of some disturbing addictions... like sugar and facebook.
~ I'm dreaming again. About the future. And feeling hopeful.
~ I ordered pics on Snapfish. And I might actually scrap them..
~ I'm more focused. Intentional. Present.
~ I even chose my One Little Word for 2010. Trust

Something's going on alright.
And I like it.
And I'm liking that the ARIZONA CARDINALS WON!!


  1. To be able to trust is such a huge blessing. I like that!
    Ladybug Creek

  2. Garage sale and you didn't tell me??? Trust is a good word for any year....

  3. So glad that you're feeling motivated. Trust is a great word for any year.
