Thursday, January 28, 2010

thursday thoughts

~ the marriage retreat at Camelback Inn was so beautiful and relaxing.
~ went to Crate & Barrel, Anthropology and H & M for the first time.
~ overwhelmed with all the decisions that go along with a kitchen remodel.
~ my Amaryllis is blooming again.

~ I love when I can see Four Peaks covered in snow.
~ my dear friend Alice is visiting this week from PA.
~ I am so grateful for her wisdom & insight.
~ learning to trust how others see me... how God sees me.


  1. You had NEVER been to Anthropologie? How is that possible? And did you LOVE it?

    I do love to shop there--when I find an amazing sale--but mostly I love to wander and look and touch and be inspired. It usually takes me about three circles around the store to feel like I've seen it all.


  2. Wow! You got to stay at Camelback Inn? I have been wanting to go over there and just walk around since their remodel. Remember that I used to work there in the 70's. I'd love to go back and see what's changed. I'll bet it was beautiful. Hey, you need to come up this way more often. I go to Crate & Barrel all the time. I love that store!

  3. Hey Linda,
    The pics are just beautiful! Come by and see my little video clip when you can, I think you will like it! Hugs, Cindy

  4. Love your amaryllis and it sounds like you had a wonderful time, Linda! First time to Crate and Barrel?

  5. I have Never been to Anthropologie either!!
    Why 1949??? You sure were not born then...
    My husband and I have a number...11-11 that is special to I was just wondering.

  6. I love Four Peaks with snow on them!

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