Monday, February 15, 2010

Em 'n Em

Emolyn and her great-mamaw Emolyn got to hang out together Friday morning. And Emolyn could not have been more excited as her Daddy & I drove her out to Surprise! She loves her Mamaw... and sunglasses with bling. Have I told you that Emolyn has to be one of the most loving and affectionate little girls I've ever known? And she's so nice and kind and so pleasant to be around. Oh, and yesterday she sat perfectly still and quiet next to her Mommy during the hour and a half church service... all the while watching her Daddy play lead guitar, her aunt Miranda sing and her Pop pop lead the worship band. So. Precious.

Nothing makes Mamaw happier than spending time with her name sake... watching her play the piano so gently and singing songs ever so sweetly.

Love my two favorite Emolyn's in all the world.


  1. So sweet! Little Miss Emolyn just kills me, she is so cute, so cheerful - I know she was a ray of sunshine to her great-grandma! Thanks for sharing their special time together!

  2. What precious pictures. I love them. Such a memoriable time.

    I also wanted to let you know that Cindy and Karen are going to be here next week and some of us are going to get together for a lunch. I don't have an exact date yet, but let me know if you would like to come. Just email me. Hugs, Marty

  3. I forgot to give you my new email address. Sorry It is Hope to hear from you soon. Hugs, Marty

  4. sweet pics and so awesome that little Emolyn gets to spend time with her great grandma.

  5. Ohhhhh what a doll baby ! She is just as precious as can be ~

  6. Hey Linda,
    Your granddaughter is such a sweety! We're having lunch next Friday, let me know if your available. I would love to see you. Cindy

  7. Such a gift to your family, that little one is. Kids are the best.
