Tuesday, February 23, 2010

my Dad's birthday

Four years ago we gathered together to celebrate my Dad's 80th birthday. It will long be remembered as one of our favorite family gatherings.

We knew that Dad was in the early stages of Alzheimer's and so we wanted the event to be all the more memorable for each of us to reflect on someday. And it was. And we do. I came away with images & memories that remain vivid to this very day.

My Mom & sisters spent the morning of the party watching my Dad and my three brothers clear and burn brush near the cabin. What a sweet memory. I was reminded of my Dad telling us that he did field work the morning that he & my Mom got married in 1950. So it only makes sense that my Dad would do something like this the morning of his birthday party. He always did love working outside.

We had a John Deere themed birthday party. I found those framed JD tins at Walmart. I bought one for each family member and had pictures of Dad & his favorite JD tractors over the years, inside each tin.

And then the sewing sisters got busy. We sewed & sewed. And talked & talked. And then...

... got up the next morning and went to a farm auction. But first we put on layers of clothes. Lots & lots of layers... over my Dad's long-john thermal underwear... and thick, heavy snowmobile boots. Because it was 6 degrees. And because you can never be too warm.
But my toes still froze.

But I love, love, love auctions. Even auctions at a bone-chilling 6 degrees.

Happy Birthday Dad. I miss you.

(clic each pic to enlarge)


  1. Praying for you today my sweet sister. I'm sure this must be bittersweet for you. What great memories of a wonderful day when you celebrated his 80th birthday. So thankful that you had all those precious years with him.

  2. Love seeing your pictures of the farm. Your dad ran quite a large outfit, didn't he? He sounds like a wonderful man. What a great 80th birthday celebration you all shared with him; I'm thankful for you that you have so many beautiful memories with him. It's hard to keep feeling the hole, isn't it? How is your mom doing?

  3. Oh Linda, such a sweet tribute, I know how you feel, my dads birthday is in March (coming up) and I celebrate in my heart as I remember him and praise God he is in heaven. Love you sweet lady!

    Debbie Kay

  4. I so know why you were laughing in that last picture...one word Amish!
