Sunday, May 30, 2010

Happy 28th Shawn!

28 years ago I became a Mommy. After 30 hours of labor, Shawn Michael was born 6 # 11 oz. and I was forever changed. What a great kid! He is so funny and charming and witty... and so creative and talented and smart. He's been a delight to his Dad & I... a supportive brother to Miranda & Tyler... and now a loving husband to Nicole and doting Daddy to Emolyn.

Like father, like son... (Shawn 15 months w/ his Daddy)

Shawn's daughter Emolyn, around the same age.

Like daddy, like daughter. (Emolyn 2 years old w/ her Daddy)


  1. You certainly have a nice looking family. And so talented!!
    Happy Birthday, Shawn!!
    Ladybug Creek

  2. Oh what a cutie he was! How could it be? 28 years ago! Happy Birthday to Shawn!
    Just drove through Northfield on our way home from Whitehall. Thought of you,

  3. What a great guy he is! Hope he had a great day.
