Thursday, June 17, 2010


I love weddings. Especially weddings that bring together old friends. A reunion of sorts. Where we are reminded of all we've shared together over the years. We not only celebrate the newlyweds but the commitment of friendship we have with one another. And even more than that, with our significant other. Randy & I always come away with a renewed sense of commitment and the awareness of how much our love has grown since the exchanging of our vows over 30 years ago.

How beautiful is my daughter! She is such a special young woman. I always say that I want to grow up and be like Miranda.

And my daughter-in-law Nicole is such an example to me of selfless love. She has the gift of giving and service and I am so blessed that she is in my life.

This was the view from our table during the reception. And as you can see, the lovely couple are making their way across the dance floor. Best wishes AJ & Erin!

For those of you that are curious, the wedding was at the Millennium Resort in Scottsdale.


  1. I've been waiting for you to put these pics on facebook!!

  2. Very nice pics Linda!
    You all look gorgeous!
    And I can't wait for you to get back to Wisconsin and come sit on my porch!
