Monday, July 19, 2010

Camping w/ Koda

Is there anything sweeter than a boy and his dog?
Well, this camping trip was all about taking Koda with us... and getting out of 113 degree temps... and finding rain. And it was a complete success on every level! Koda was a dream to travel with and loved sleeping under our bed in the cozy cottage. The weather was near perfect. And we found rain, just before packing up to come home. Good thing, cuz we weren't coming home till we did.

Isn't our Koda Pop the sweetest? We love her so much and knew how sad she has been without her pal Wiley, so we thought we'd take her on her very first camping trip to the Rim Country.

We kept her on a chain the first day, but then realized she was not going to leave our side, especially her master's side. She adores Randy!

We love the Mogollon Rim about as much as we love the Grand Canyon. And that's saying ALOT! You can't imagine how beautiful the vistas are along the Rim. And it changes hourly as the sun casts shadows that give it even more grandeur.

Check out this sandstone slab that was stuck in the roots of this tree and hanging over the edge of the rim!

I don't even want to know how someone had the guts to carve initials on the stone.

My sweet man and his dog.

Camp fires and charcoal fires are prohibited because of all the wildfires throughout Arizona, so we cooked our meals on the Coleman stove that came with our cozy cottage.

What's camping without bacon sizzling in a fry pan? Like pointless. And Koda could not agree more!

Can you believe we found these camping chairs at Sam's, and they matched our cottage perfectly! The little tables are so handy dandy.

My favorite picture of the whole weekend. Love our Koda. Click all the pics to enlarge, but especially this one.

Koda was terrified when we took her to Woods Canyon Lake. The water lapping up on shore was so scary to her.

And then... how do I say this... this strange phenomenon occurred. Rain. YES, RAIN! We couldn't believe it! We were like little kids as the thunder roared in the distance, knowing we were about to experience RAIN while snuggled inside our cozy cottage. Folks, dreams really do come true! It was heavenly.

And when it was over, the colors were even more vivid and the scenery more breathtaking. We were in awe of God's creation.

The perfect ending to a perfect weekend get-away.

And we were ready to go home.


  1. It is a GORGEOUS place, Linda!!!

    How are you LOVING your little trailer? No claustrophobia for you?

    I have to stick with my LARGE pop-up or I'd be screaming and running out the door into the wide spaces.

  2. What beautiful scenery. I can tell y'all had a wonderful time together.. all three of you! Love your little cottage on wheels.
    Ladybug Creek

  3. Can I go with you next time!!! It looks wonderful! I so want a trailer so, let's work on that dream coming true!!!

  4. Linda,
    I love the pics, what a beautiful place~ Your camper is so darn cute, it sounds like you had a great time!

  5. SO cool! Dogs are the best. I think I could do camping the way you guys do.

  6. That looks like such a good time. I keep trying to convince DH that we need to take the kids camping. What an awesome view.

  7. Love your photos, Linda! The Rim is so beautiful. I've never stood out there like Randy...frankly I wouldn't have the guts. Thanks for sharing photos of what I only drive past at 60mph.

  8. Great pics, Linda! Looks like a perfect weekend. We haven't been to the mountains in quite a while. Hopefully we'll get there sometime this summer and enjoy a storm as well. Would love it if you guys came to the North Rim with us in September.

  9. i haven't been camping in so long. looks like a blast!
