Tuesday, August 31, 2010

burlap & a spooner

  • I go to my little thrift store when I'm overwhelmed. Just a quick trip to break up my day and I'm good to go. I find it rather therapeutic and oh so energizing, especially if I find a jewel of a find. That would be the burlap in the above pic. So excited to find a dark colored burlap. Paid a buck for the whole bundle. But what should I do with the colored strips of starched burlap? Any ideas?
  • Actually the real reason I went thrifting was because of the Frugal Farmhouse blog. You may remember, she is the reason I have barn lights in my kitchen. Anyway this morning she posted this-
In early Victorian times the frugal homemaker did not set spoons out at each place when setting the table.  She most likely did not have enough spoons for each persons plate.  Instead spoons were kept in a "spooner"  This was a glass vessel that would sit in the center of the table within reach of those who might need one.  They came in lots of patterns and colors including a large goblet shape.  The "spooner" was in use until around the turn of the century.

  • That's it, I had to have a "spooner"! And by golly if I didn't find one within minutes of entering my little thrift store. Paid 68 cents. The glass is so thick and the perfect size.
  • And why did I need a spooner? Well, I am hosting a baby shower for my daughter-in-law Nicole on Saturday. My granddaughter Emolyn's sister is due in 5 weeks. Emolyn came 7 weeks early, so every day that this little one stays put is a precious gift to her Mommy & Daddy.
  • The shower is an Afternoon High Tea Party and I am sooo excited to show you the pictures I'll be posting Monday morning. As you can imagine, the spooner will add the perfect touch to the High Tea.
  • My Mom-in-law, who had a birthday last week, recently gave me her silver set. I was thrilled! I immediately put her spoons in the spooner. Priceless.
  • Thanks Mom & Happy Birthday!
Check out these Linky Partys for more thrifty finds-


  1. Hi Linda,
    I can't wait to see pics of the shower! Katie is due in 5 weeks too, isn't that going to be fun!
    I like your spooner, we kind of did that growing up too. With so many kids we were lucky to find a clean spoon!
    Have a great weekend too!

  2. Look at my most recent post. The table runner with colored burlap. An idea maybe. Plus I have forks in the same post.

  3. I love the idea of the silverware in a glass like those. I just wanted to answer your question about the island. There is an outlet at eat end, GFI. We ran power up through one of the legs through a hole the builder put in. The power comes up through the floor from the basement. We then ran the wire underneith the island to each of the outlets. To make sure no one accidentally bumped the island and cut the power, we glued the legs to the floor. There are also two drawers on the sink side, one is used for a junk drawer, pens, scissors and such and the other is for silverware.

  4. I never know about a spooner.. probably work well for me since my kids keep loosing our spoons!! very interesting!

  5. I love your spooner. I've been looking for a vintage celery glass to use in the same manner. I didn't know there was a name for it.

  6. I LOVE your story and your spooner! Eddieross.com uses spooners often and I love them but don't have one! Can't wait to see the shower pics!

  7. This is beautiful. I am hosting a 50 dollar CSN Giveaway on my blog. I would love for you to stop by. Thanks Anu!

  8. I did not know about the spooner, but what a great idea!!

  9. a great idea, even these days when we invite lots of people around for dinner that is buffet style, its the best thing to place spoons in spooner for them to help themselves, great ideas
