Sunday, September 12, 2010

best kitchen moments

THIS is why I love my new kitchen! Our family gatherings allow us to be all together, doing what we love to do... in the same room! So on Saturday we gathered together to celebrate Randy's birthday. It was the best day!

I made my first apple pie of the season in my new kitchen that morning and it was finger-lickin good! And can I just say, my new cold quartz counter tops rocked & rolled out the best pie crusts! 

I love my family. I love listening to them laugh and tell stories. Nothing does a Mother good than knowing her children love each other and enjoy being together.

My Mom made two pies most every week while growing up. Yes, we had desserts for every meal. So I learned to make pie crusts from the best. (although she uses lard, I use Crisco)

I love that the girls scrapbook while the boys entertain them. And that Emolyn is in her own imaginative world of play and make-believe. Oh I love that little girl.

I love that amidst all the storytelling, Emolyn is in her mommy nurturing mode, serving her Uncle Tyler a nice cold beverage. And yes, she loves wearing glasses "so I can do my jobs".

And while Emolyn has gone back to her little kitchen, Tyler is being the sweet uncle, sipping away in her plastic kitchen goblets.

Shawn & Tyler love singing together and they sound amazing. Emolyn is their biggest fan, especially when they sing her favorite song Unwinding Cable Car. Remember, her Daddy has been the stay-at-home Daddy, so she's been exposed to more genres of music than most typical 2 year olds.
Our son Shawn lead worship this morning and introduced a song he wrote and I wept through the whole song. It was filled with such deep truth and profound meaning. Just what I needed to hear. My heart was full, grateful that each of my children walk closely with Jesus.

Emolyn loved painting while her Mommy & Aunt Miranda were scrapbooking. She is only 2 1/2 but sat for a good hour, deep in thought as she expressed herself on paper. I was blown away.
Emolyn's baby sister is due in 3 weeks. She has already stayed inside her Mommy 4 weeks longer than Emolyn did and we could not be more grateful. The reality of this little person entering our lives is hitting me big-time. October 5th could not come soon enough!


  1. My wife gave me the best Birthday and there is nothing else I want more than us being together as a family. I also didn't mind the apple pie and ice cream, but the laughter and sharing and singing are the most fulfilling thing I could get. There s no greater gift than family. I also was blown away by Shawn's song. I now have to learn it and do it as part of our regular worship lineup of songs. It's that good!

  2. Michelle Ellis9:31 PM

    What a great post! We are about to start our blog up again for our big trip. How did you get the size of the photo on the blog to be so big? I love that! I love being able to see more of the pictures. You can email or fb me.

  3. Oh, wow! How sweet that your husband responded to your blog. What a lovely family and of course I love reading about your granddaughter and seeing her pictures. She will make a great big sister, I am sure.
    How blessed you are!!
    Have a great week.
    Ladybug Creek

  4. Wow, what a kitchen!! But what makes it really great is the family all together! That is incredible. Music always makes it fun too!! Love your big, open space.

  5. Aww Linda,
    Very nice! You have a wonderful family! And your pies look Jackson County Fair blue ribbon good! That little table you set up for your granddaughter is just so cute!
    I wish I was coming to AZ. in Oct. but it will probably be Feb. this year because of the baby.
