Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Fuller Brush

kitchen broom
I am a huge fan of the Fuller Brush Company.
I have memories of the Fuller Brush man coming to the farm and selling my Mom brooms and brushes and such. So years ago when I volunteered to head up my husband's Aunt Evelyn's estate sale, I got all sentimental over her Fuller Brush kitchen broom. I knew it had to come home with me and it has resided in our home ever since.
People, these brooms last forever!

I would wager to say that Aunt Evelyn's broom is well over 40 years old! It's recently been relegated to outdoor sweeping. SO I'm thinking it's time to order a new one... which will be my very first brand new broom... that will most likely outlive me!

I'm actually kind of sad that a Fuller Brush person will not be coming to my home... that I will be ordering my kitchen broom online. How very impersonal.

But hey, while I'm at it, I may as well order a clip-on dust pan. They seem so handy-dandy. I cut lots of hair and always seem to be looking for my dust pan, so why not one that clips onto my kitchen broom.

Yes, I went to cosmetology school and worked as a hairdresser for one year before I moved to Phoenix 33 years ago. Never worked in another shop, but have cut hair and given perms for friends & family ever since.

1 comment:

  1. HI, Linda,
    I found you from a post on John Lynch's facebook page. You mentioned that you had written about the fuller brush man on your blog. I also write on a blog... it is about my journey out of religion into relationship. I often write pictures of God that I've been given through my children. I'd love to have you visit if you would like. My husband and I listen to ODF sermons every week. We live in Georgia.

    I remember the fuller brush salesman. He always had the coolest stuff in his bag.... Now I want to go and check out the brooms... ha ha

    Loved reading about your life here.
    Have a blessed day,
    Julie Todd
