Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Grand Canyon

Sometimes I have this deep longing to sit at the edge of the Grand Canyon and
be still and experience the bigness of God. His awesome power.
Grasping His all-consuming creation.
I had those same euphoric feeling when I saw the ocean for the first time too. 
Seriously changed my life.

Those feeling are recreated every time we take loved ones to see the Canyon
 for the very first time. 
I get so excited & emotional as though I'm seeing it for the first time!
Well, four years ago we took my brother Gary & his wife Kathy and it was the best trip!

Experiencing the Grand Canyon with my brother was truly a dream come true.

Happy Birthday Gary! 
Have the best day ever!
Next time let's hike down to the Colorado River! 

My friend Nancy & her husband Terry just returned from a trip to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. Be sure to check out Nancy's blog as she has just started posting about the trip. Can't wait to go someday!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Thanks Linda for the mention and happy birthday to your brother too. I agree that experiencing God's creation is so refreshing and rejuvenating.
