Friday, November 05, 2010

a broom & a boy band

  • Thank you for following me on Google Friend Connect. (top sidebar) 
  • I love Followers and well, more the merrier! 
  • Have you been voting for Kurt Warner on DWTS? I have.
  • Randy bought an Andy Williams Christmas CD at Target the other night.
  • We happen to have the most extensive collection of Christmas music that I know of.
  • But we're purists so no Christmas music till after the pumpkin pie is served on Thanksgiving Day.
  • Emolyn spent yesterday with me and I didn't take one picture. 
  • That has never happened before.
  • She went wild over the child-size corn broom I found at a yard sale and swept all the leaves off the back patio.
  • She swept for over a half-hour and talked nonstop to her Uncle Tyler.
  • Her Pop Pop took her home on his way to band rehearsal and I missed her terribly.
  • I am rather excited about seeing the Backstreet Boys Reunion on Oprah this month.
  • Not a big boy band fan, but "I Want It That Way" happens to be one of my favorite songs.
  • And they're actually going to sing it!
  • I am in love with THIS cabin in Nova Scotia.
  • I'm so in love with my new granddaughter Elsie. 
  • Had my favorite meal last night... grilled salmon, asparagus and angel hair pasta. Yum.
  • Our daughter Miranda and friends Elizabeth and Kendra drove to Disneyland last night.
  • A year ago this very weekend Randy & I drove our family to Disneyland.
  • We arrived home to a flooded house.
  • I was left so traumatized by the whole incident that I can't stop reminding people, even total strangers, to turn off their main water valve when they leave overnight.
  • I'm sorry for yelling. I couldn't help myself. 
  • I also couldn't help but post a pic. I mean, what's a post without a pic or two... or four.
Emolyn's 99 cent apron from Tiedemann's
She always wears an apron to cook
She loved her Mama's Halloween wig
And Koda loves giving Emolyn puppy dog kisses


    1. We had the same issue, to some extent, when we traveled to California for Christmas in 09, too. Ours was confined to the kitchen and the room below, but we are still dealing with the aftermath. There were problems with the install of the new hardwood and the floor humped, now I have spots that need to be repaired again, and I haven't put everything back yet in all the closets and storage areas. YUCK! I'm with you about the main water valve warning. It never occured to me BEFORE the damage.

      We also love Christmas music, but aren't purists. We listen to it early in the season.... Have a great weekend!

    2. Anonymous9:38 AM

      Love Emolyn's apron! Hey we'll have to compare notes on our Christmas collections sometime. When I worked in CA I was able to buy any BMG Music CD for only $5, so I always bought a bunch of Christmas CDs every holiday season.
