Tuesday, November 16, 2010

plumbago & shamrocks

Our Cape Plumbago is blooming,
and I didn't even know it till today.
Does that give you any indication as to how busy I've been?

We've been preparing for a yard sale that we had Saturday,
along with making room in our side-yard for our Cozy Cottage in Wheels.
And we're determined to get one of our vehicles parked in our garage.
That's no easy feat when you consider we don't have basements in Phoenix.
Our garages really do function as a major source of storage.

Anyway, needless to say, we haven't stopped long enough to take in the beauty of our backyard.
Until today.

This is also the time of year that our Shamrock's start blooming.
Not sure if you've ever described flowers as adorable.
But these really are adorable.

I don't edit or photoshop my photos,
so you can imagine my delight when I saw these images.
Late afternoon really is the best time to shoot.
Thanks for visiting my little backyard abode.
I am linking to Cindy's SHOW AND TELL FRIDAY,
where you will find many more home & garden blog posts!


  1. You've sure got a lot of green back there (for the Az heat!)...would love to see more of your backyard!

  2. Wow...those are pretty...I really need some color in my back yard...

  3. Gorgeous pics. If I hadn't noticed my heather is starting to bloom, I'd be TOTALLY jealous! :) Heather isn't as stunning, but it helps me make it through the gray PNW winters.

  4. Those are just gorgeous Linda!
    It seems so strange that when we get all cold and barren you get the best blooms! Josh said that you were having beautiful weather. I am coming out in january, can't wait! I hope we can get together then.

  5. Oh Linda, so beautiful I wish I could sit out back in your beautiful backyard and chit chat with you. Just love your posts.

    Love you lady,


  6. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Love the plumbagos. I'll have to try to grow them in our yard again sometime. BTW, did I tell you that I threw out some of your hollyhock seeds in my little atrium? We'll see how they do.

  7. Love your photos and I have plumbagos too.. aren't they always pretty! thanks for sharing. have a great weekend!
