Saturday, December 18, 2010

remembering my Dad

A year ago today my Dad passed away.
You can read what I wrote on that day HERE.
My Dad was a dairy farmer that worked 24/7, from sun-up to sun-down.
The hardest working man I know.
So to see this picture of my Dad on the couch reading the newspaper on Christmas Eve,
well, it just warms my heart.
Everything about this picture makes me smile-
the Tinker Toy can, my Playtime Tea Set and pink metal sink.
Me holding my new doll with the striped jammies.
 My sisters Ginny & Kathy with their new dolls.
My brother Gary wearing a gun & holster around his waist.
And that my Dad had 2 bottles of Schlitz beer on Christmas Eve.
He never did that... so that has always tickled us kids.
The black cougar lamp with red venetian blinds on the TV...
that I saw a few years ago at an antique store for over a hundred dollars!
I love the curtains, the couch and the coziness of the whole room...
and just being a family at Christmas.
And I love old photos that preserve sweet memories of my Dad.

And yes, that could have been around the time that I sang that song that I posted HERE.

Well, this is the comment that someone posted on my blog after reading that post.

Anonymous said...

How funny! I found your blog searching for the "18 Cents" song (circa 1965ish?). I also googled the lyrics and can sing this goofy tune in my head, but couldn't find the music. If I find it, I'll come back and share!

WELL, the very next day SHE FOUND THE SONG! 

On youtube HERE!

Be sure to listen to both songs.

"I've Got Eighteen Cents To Spend For Christmas" 

"The Little Christmas Stocking With The Hole In The Toe" 

performed by the "Peter Pan Caroleers"

from the "Christmas is for Children" album.

I was thrilled to say the least!
THANKS SO MUCH Anonymous! I am forever grateful!


  1. I am so sorry about the loss of your Dad, you never really get used to loss, do you? You have to just keep going forward and find ways to live with the loss, like sharing your memories in beautiful blogs like this. May your family face another Christmas without Dad with peace and joy, enjoying his wonderful memory.

  2. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Praying for you and your family today, Linda. What a great photo to constantly remind you of your happy times together. Love you so much!

  3. I LOVE this picture. Classic! Merry Christmas Linda!

  4. I am thinking of you at this difficult time Linda.
    The picture is amazing! It's like a time capsule of the 1960's!
    You were such a cute little girl!
    Guess what? I am coming to Phoenix on the 11th!
    I hope we can get together. I will be staying until the 16th.
    Maybe some thrifting?
    Hugs and Merry Christmas,
    Enjoy that new grandbaby girl!
