Friday, December 24, 2010

Lego Santa Collection

They're here! My Lego Santas are back! And they're as cute as ever!
I started collecting them back in the late 80's and early 90's. 
Do you remember standing in the check-out line at Toys R Us and they would have bags of Lego Santas, Snowmen or Angels in bins for around a dollar. They would introduce a new one each year and often times I would wait till after Christmas when they were half off. 
I know! What was I thinking?!

 We would put them in our kids stockings each year and they loved putting them together 
and then I would pack them away for the next year, to put out on display. 

Well, get this, several years ago they came out with Lego Advent Calendar sets 
and I was in heaven! 
Oh my gosh, you mean, my kids would have a Lego set to put together every day
 leading up to Christmas! 
How cool is that! And the sets were as cute as can be. 

One year I got a set at Barnes & Nobles and the other two sets at Target. 
I always got them half off... they're kind of pricey. But so worth the money, as they will last forever! 
I have three sets. And three kids. And well, that's a good thing.

I snapped the above image this morning and love how it turned out.
Have you seen any new Christmas Lego sets out there?
Last year I went online and ordered those two Lego Christmas trees
 and the girl with the blue bowed present. (far right)
Aren't they adorable!
Oh, and Mega Bloks put out "Lego" ornaments a few years ago that I just LOVE!
Let me know if you find any this year.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a "good day"!

I am linking up my Christmas Lego Collection to-


  1. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Linda, I just LOVE these! I've been looking around, but haven't seen anything. Of course, I don't really have a reason to go into the big toy stores these days so maybe they're around.

    You have so many AWESOME collections! Thanks for sharing them with us.

  2. I remember these from last year. I went to the Lego store and asked but they were already sold out this year.

  3. Hi, I popped over from Pioneer Woman to see your LEGO Santas. Your collection makes me grin. My grandmother had a collection of Santas (not LEGO Santas) and when she passed away earlier this year, two of her Santas were passed on to me. I will treasure them always and may just have to start a collection of my own. Maybe I'll start with LEGOs. :)

  4. Linda, I love them and I am going to start looking on ebay for them NOW for next Christmas. I will put them in the kids advent calendar. Did you see our lego Christmas train?

  5. Check Toyrus! THere Christmas is 90% off and they have the Christmas tree and I think a snowman!

  6. Anonymous6:09 PM

    If you still have them, can you post the instructions you have for these guys?
