Wednesday, January 19, 2011

praying for Joanne

me & Joanne
I met Joanne's husband Toben shortly after I started blogging back in 2006. I was new to the blog world, so when he told me his wife Joanne also had a blog, I knew I had to visit The Simple Wife. I not only realized I had been to her blog before, but it would become one of my very favorite blogs. I was thrilled to finally meet her a couple years ago when they moved to Phoenix for a year. They have since moved back to Denver to be near family.

                                                     Joanne needs your prayers right now.
On January 11th, 38 year old Joanne suffered a major stroke.
I cannot even begin to tell you how this has hit me and thousands of others. 
I am heartbroken for Toben, their daughters Audrey and Emma and their precious extended family.
Joanne is still in a coma after two brain surgeries... and they are praying for a miracle... 
that she will wake up and make a full recovery. 
You guys, they have a long road ahead of them, so please keep them in your prayers. 
You can follow along on their journey through The Simple Wife... 
or by clicking my Praying for Joanne button on my sidebar.
Thank you so much for believing with us.


  1. Linda, thank you for sharing her story so we can pray. My heart is so grieved for Joanne and her dear family. Praying.

    You two look alike. :) What a beautiful relationship, maybe the Lord brought you together for such a time as this, so you can pray her through.

  2. I know. This is so sad. So wonderful that you two got to spend some time in REAL!!

  3. Linda, how hard and trying that must be. They will all definitely be in our prayers:-)

  4. What a sad situation for that family. Thanks for sharing it - will definitely keep her and her dear family in prayer.

