Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Emolyn is 3


You are the most giving, loving, imaginative and entertaining little girl!

Here's a cute Emolyn story ~
Last week her Mommy & I took Emolyn to Target shopping. 
Emolyn never whines or begs for anything. Ever. She's a dream shopper.
Well as we were walking through the toy aisles, Nicole picked up a tiny little baby doll. 
Emolyn loves anything tiny. And the word "Tiny" was printed on her tiny onesie
Oh and Emolyn's Daddy works for Tiny Prints. Just thought you'd find that funny.
Anyway, Nicole says to Emolyn, "I will buy you this tiny baby, 
but then you won't be getting a baby doll at Tiedemann's Thrift Store today." 
Emolyn was fine with that and beyond thrilled. 
Well, I said to Nicole "There aren't any dolls at Tiedemann's right now anyway." 
Emolyn was in disbelief as she walked ahead of us, 
"Mimi, there are no dolls at Tiedemann's?!" 
"No", I said "In fact, there are hardly any toys at Tiedemann's right now!"
Emolyn quickly responded "Oh Mimi, I can't handle it!"
Nicole & I just looked at each other and could hardly contain ourselves.
She cracks me up.

Emolyn is also quite the worker. She loves to have jobs to do every time she comes over.
And because of the big deep freeze of '11, this tree lost a ton of leaves for her to sweep.
She was in heaven.

She finally took a break and pretended she was The Little Mermaid.
She would have her Pop Pop cover her legs in leaves
and pretend the broom was the scepter that turns her fins into feet!
It was all quite dramatic.

Randy must have done this two dozen times...
while I snapped over 150 pictures.

Happy 3rd Birthday to my favorite Little Mermaid!


  1. She's so sweet!!

  2. Oh my gosh, I can't believe it's been three years since she was born! So, so many prayers for this little one! She cracks me up! Thank you for always sharing little stories about her. Happy Birthday Em!

  3. because Emolyn "rescued" Tiny from Target her name is Tiny Rescue Thompson

  4. How cute! Love the imagination, and the grown-up comment: "I can't handle it". Cute, cute, cute.


  5. Happy Birthday to Emolyn. What a treasure and such a cute story!! Love the Hair photo!!
