Friday, February 11, 2011

Freezing rain in Phoenix?

Nope ~ freezing from the sprinkler system going off in below freezing temps.
My friend Kathy drove by Butler Park near 19th Ave. & Northern last week
and was stunned to see the park covered in white crystals!
She pulled over and took these breathtaking images
and shared them with me yesterday.
I was shocked to say the least.

We only have a couple below freezing days each winter,
but rarely the deep freeze we had last week.
So to see the affects of water spraying on the park during that deep freeze 
had the whole community in awe the next morning.
I wish I could have witnessed it with my own eyes.

Have a wonderful weekend. Stay safe & warm.
And don't worry, I wouldn't think of telling you that it's going to be in the mid 70's tomorrow.
That would be so mean of me.


  1. These pictures are stunning. I just LOVE what dripping water can create as it freezes!

  2. I know - I'm down in Tucson and I lost my Meyer lemon tree even tho we covered it...sad!

  3. Great pics. I know we lost some I go again!!

  4. Oh how pretty! I bet that's not a sight seen very often in your part of the country!
