Monday, February 14, 2011

my funny little Valentine

Miranda Rachael
My daughter Miranda is my favorite little Valentine.
She was sitting up at 4 1/2 months, just in time to show off this darling little outfit
 that her Aunt Etna gave her 26 years ago.
Our granddaughter Elsie happens to be around the same age
and looks a lot like her Aunt Miranda.
I thank God every day that I was blessed to raise a daughter.
She is such a faithful friend, sister, daughter and aunt.
So thankful for my precious Miranda.

Elsie Lane
Oh my gosh, can you see the resemblance?!


  1. I love it! I can only hope Elsie grows up to be as beautiful as Miranda!

  2. oh my gosh girls!! Thank you :)

    I love my little Elsie-girl! She brings me so much joy and my heart bursts when I hold her. I can't get enough of my nieces!

  3. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Sweet! Love all these girls!

  4. What a cutie !! Are you enjoying the past few days of sunshine ??? I am lovin it..Dancing in the aisles ?/ I am there with you. I do it too ! BJ's ,Where is that.My husband likes Brewery places.I been to the ones over here at West Gate.Not too bad.Music not loud. I hope you are having a great day...Chickie

  5. Oh,the resemblance is amazing!
    Daughter and grandaughters are wonderful,I have 3
