Wednesday, April 13, 2011

blogging & pruning

I've been busy blogging over at the Hand in Hand blog
 about the Hand in Hand Reunion.
We had several photographers at the reunion
and I love how each of them uniquely chronicled the event through their camera lens.

My husband has been busy pruning back vines and bushes and trees
because of the deep freeze we had this past winter.
I can't wait for everything to fill in and green up.
And I just heard that snow is in the forecast for the farm in Wisconsin,
and we're looking at temps in the mid 90's this weekend. Whoa!


  1. Oh Linda winter really wrecked everything around here, plus the storms last week left debris everywhere. It's a real mess! I'm not sure we're gonna get more snow, but there is a freeze warning out! THanks for stopping by:-)

  2. That's some amazing temperature range! We're flirting with warm weather here - in the 60's most days.
