Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Farm ~ Wisconsin

We've been driving back to the farm in Wisconsin for over 30 years.
And here it is... the farm... and the house that built me.
My brother Ron & his wife Deb own the farm now,
and I am so grateful that I can go back and "touch this place and feel it".

And yes, that would be me and my husband baling hay on the farm 31 years ago!
We were married in 1979 and drove back to the farm the summer of 1980
for my brother Ron & Deb's July wedding.
I am so happy that this memorable moment was captured on film!
Be sure to enlarge so you can see my hard-working husband stacking hay bales.

You can check out more "Memories on the Farm" pictures HERE.

This is one of the last pictures taken of my Dad driving the John Deere tractor that he loved.
And this will be my first trip back to the farm since my Dad's passing on Dec. of '09.
I am so aware that the timing of this trip could not be more perfect.
Lots of changes going on and that inevitably evokes a need for me to connect with my roots...
to reflect, reminisce and remember.


  1. So pretty!

    I swear we turned in at a twin of your farm in IL many years ago, trying to turn around because we were lost in the middle of the night. We were driving a moving truck, pulling a car. The farm had a circular drive with a tree in the middle. We could not complete the circle. We opened the truck to get out and take a closer look, and our dog jumped out and took off for a stroll. Then the motion lights came on. We woke that poor farmer at 2 a.m.! He couldn't have been kinder, helped us get back on the right track.

    Salt of the earth, backbone of our country - farm people.

    Enjoy your trip.

  2. Linda, I ate lunch at the Norske Nook in Osseo TODAY on our way back home to Rapids - - - I THOUGHT of you. I tried to reach Cindy via phone, but didn't get her.

  3. Dang Keetha, I wondered who had called me from Indiana! hehe.
    Oops sorry Linda!
    Linda, I can't wait to see you! Your family farm is one of the prettiest! It is so classic Wisconsin farmhouse and it's so well kept and pretty!
    See ya soon!

  4. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Linda & Randy, I hope you two have an awesome trip. What a wonderful place to go and relax and reconnect. I hope your time with your mom is the BEST EVER!

  5. Enjoyed this trip with you!
