Monday, May 09, 2011

graduation & a dedication

Friday night we celebrated my nephew Evan.
Evan received his Masters Degree from Grand Canyon University
and the Thompsons couldn't wait to gather together at his Mom's lovely home
to love and affirm this fine young man.

Randy's Mom was unable to attend
so I wanted to be sure and get these up on my blog for her to see.

My favorite granddaughters elsie & emolyn

Aren't you just loving the pop of yellow in my sister-in-law's beautiful backyard!

Congratulations Evan!
Evan's Mom, Evan's wife Myra, his brother Lyle and sister-in-law Anya.

Love this picture of my sister-in-law with her great-niece elsie.

Sunday was not only Mother's Day but the day that Elsie was dedicated at our church.
My mother-in-law was thrilled when she saw her great-granddaughter Elsie
wearing her daughter Patty's dress.
To think that she held her daughter Patty in her arms over 55 years ago
wearing that very dress!
Patty only lived to be 18, but her memory will live on for generations.

Mamaw ~ Mimi ~ Mommy ~ and Elsie

My two favorite Emolyns in the whole world!

Our Children's Pastor Shannon is praying for little Elsie
and it's as though Elsie is hanging on to her every word.
I love the meaning behind this picture
and all that we as a body are committing to this little family.
(be sure to enlarge and see for yourself)


  1. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Man, Linda that takes me back...

  2. I love these pictures! Thanks for capturing the day for us

  3. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Sweet! Especially the one of the baby dedication.
