Monday, May 02, 2011

photo styling...

lessons learned ~
  • less is more when it comes to props
  • the wind is not your friend
  • the twilight hour may not be the best time
  • especially if little ones didn't nap
  • the desert is not kid friendly
  • not a lot of wiggle room when surrounded by cactus & cliffs
  • a pink porta-potty on site was a good call  (thanks Nicole)
  • the tambourine was invaluable
  • pearls are a photographer's best friend  (thanks Miranda)
  • step stool was a good call
  • and mini marshmallows are the perfect treat  (thanks Nicole)


    1. I bring a step ladder when I take photos and I like to wait until sunset when faces are shaded, no harsh shadows! I think you did a great job though. I can't wait to see the pics! I am taking the Sisson pictures tonight! Sisson Baby pictures tomorrow, Yea!!!

    2. Karen8:29 AM

      What about a teaparty or picnic theme? Use real food to keep everyone happy and interested. What about a small pool of water?
