Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 6- final farm day

Our final day on the farm was another hot & humid day. 
It would get down in the 40's that night with a high in the 60's the next day. 
Wouldn't you know... we'd leave and take the heat with us!

My sister-in-law Debbie invited the Earp brothers, I mean the guys,
over for a good ole' fashion farm breakfast...
before Randy drove Shawn & Tyler to the airport in Minneapolis.

Um, need I say more. Or as we Norwegians would say "Uff Da! That's a lot of food!"

I had to post this pic of Debbie standing in her kitchen because 
it happens to be the kitchen that I washed & dried dishes after every meal while growing up.
However did my Mom prepare three hearty meals a day
 for a family of 8 in this tiny, galley kitchen!

No trip is complete without climbing the 90 foot Harvestor silo.
This year Tyler chose to climb the silo on one of the hottest days on record. 
~100 degrees, humid and windy~

Tyler has been climbing the silo with his Dad since he was quite young,
but this year Randy chose not to climb. Can't say I blame him.

Oh my gosh, I'd be freaking out! Tyler took this one with his iPhone.
You can see the farmhouse below... and my Mom's house behind those pines in the distance.
And here's a better look at where I stayed while visiting the farm.


  1. That is a great shot from the silo. And yes, you are are bringing the heat...110 today!
    Oy vey!!

  2. Yep, getting hotter here, but alas no rain (or humidity!)...
