Thursday, June 23, 2011

Oklahoma family

Meet Ezra. My sister's newest grandbaby. My niece Kristen & Joe's son. He's adorable.

Meet Randy. He's a pyro. He loves bonfires and roasting marshmallows.

Meet Mya & Zac. They're cousins, neighbors and best buds.

How cool are these glow sticks photographed at night and reflecting the fire!

I'm not a chocolate lover... so Joe introduced me to cookies 'n creme S'mores.
Oh my gosh, sooo yummy good!

Sisters Mya & Kennady huggin' & kissin' their brother Ezra.
While brothers Parker, Zac and Alex wait their turn to love on their new cousin.

Nothing sweeter than a mamma and her newborn baby...
and making memories with family in Oklahoma. I miss 'em all so much!

Joe ~ Ezra ~ Kristen ~ Kathy ~ Linda ~ Randy
Brandi ~ Aaron ~ Zac (on lap) ~ Mya ~ Alex ~ Kennady ~ Parker


  1. Oh what nice family pics Linda! That little guy is a cutie and looks like he will be doted on by his big sisters!

  2. Looks like a very happy family Linda!! Thanks for stopping by to see the melmac! I only wish you loved closer so you could come over for a visit!
