Monday, August 08, 2011

Thompson Camping Trip

We may have just established the 1st Annual Thompson Family Camping Trip. Although it came with it's share of glitches, I'd say it was overall a pretty good trip. For one thing, we were missing our youngest son Tyler. He couldn't get off work. We missed him terribly.
Once everyone had arrived on site, we initiated the event by reprising an old family camp favorite ~ Tacos in a Frito bag ~ taco meat, cheese, tomatoes, avocados, sour cream & Nicole's homemade salsa. YUM!

At the time I captured this sweet moment, emolyn was running a temperature of 103.5. Poor little thing, she was so sick... or as she calls it "grumpy". She kept apologizing for being grumpy. Let me tell you what, she is the best sick kid ever. She never complains or whines or cries.

Can I tell you something else? elsie is about the happiest little munchkin there ever was! 

She cracks me up! She's either SO BIG! 
or flashing her signature Popeye the sailor man grin.


Miranda took emolyn on a scavenger hunt once the Motrin kicked in 
and emolyn perked right up.

emolyn loves the woods and is excited to go camping again when she's not so grumpy.

They found so many lovely treasures in the woods.

Pop pop & Mimi brought bubbles to entertain the girls... and yes, we mean Koda too.

While Shawn's family went to check in to their cozy cabin at Christopher Creek and to rest for a couple hours before dinner... I took a little nap in our cozy cottage... while Miranda finished rereading the 7th Harry Potter book.

Then while Randy started the bonfire for roasting hotdogs and S'mores,
I got the potatoes, sausage, peppers, onions and mushrooms cooking, 
along with ranch beans.

6 words ~ peaceful, quiet, chilly, family, warmth and love ~

How sweet is this mommy & emolyn moment.

Nothing more cozy than my husband & soft vintage sheets.
emolyn had quite a rough night at their cabin, so they decided to drop Miranda off at our camp site before heading home Sunday morning. We were sad to see them go, but thankful emolyn would be in her own bed. She's doing much better today after seeing the Dr.

I can't wait to post about the two camping gadgets that my daughter-in-law Nicole gave us for this camping trip. Just the coolest gadgets ever! Oh, and I gotta tell you what happened when we were ready to leave. Here's a hint... my husband is always prepared for anything that could possibly go wrong. Always.


  1. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Looks like a lot of fun!

    Quick tip for your Frito taco salad- we always cut the bag on the side instead of the top ( with kitchen scissors) that way it isn't as deep to spoon into : )

    LOVE your cozy camper!!

  2. Looks like a very special weekend and the beginning of a wonderful tradition. So sad the Em didn't feel well. Hopefully next time she'll have more energy.

  3. Looks like a wonderful time. So sorry your granddaughter was sick. Poor baby. We are heading out this weekend for some mountain camping. Love your little trailer.
