Wednesday, September 21, 2011

North Rim ~ Day 2

So our plan was to wake up at the crack of dawn that first morning at the North Rim, so we could watch the sun rise over the canyon. No problem when you've been awake most of the night. I never sleep well the first night anywhere. And it didn't help that we kept the side vents open all night and it got down to freezing. And then we discovered around 4am that we both thought the other had brought matches for the Coleman stove, but we hadn't. So we had no way of boiling water for hot tea. Again no problem. We'll just buy matches when the General Store opens after the sunrise.

Oh my gosh, what a thrill watching the sun light up the canyon peaks and mesas... and the great granite walls... and then to watch the definition in the deep crevices appear. Every single second was a spiritual moment marveling at the wonder of God's intricate creation. I was a total mess.

And what are the chances I would capture this bird in focus... magical.

I was overcome with such a deep sense of peace, joy and contentment that I have not felt in quite some time. Randy & I were right where we needed to be in this season of our lives... encompassed in the goodness of God.

And I can safely say that I repeated these phrases at least 100 times ~ 
oh my gosh...  thank you God... no way... I am blown away... thank you Lord... wow... 
I can't believe I'm here... honey, why did we wait so long to come here!

And let me remind you, it is totally and completely quiet. So I was actually whispering those phrases over and over. I think everyone is so aware of what the other is experiencing... that out of respect, there are no loud outbursts or yelling or sudden disturbances. And by enlarging the above pic, you can see one of the many lookouts that allow you to experience the canyon... not just look out on the canyon (like the South Rim)... but you are immersed in the canyon. It was truly unlike anything I had ever experienced before ~ and I hiked down in the Grand Canyon 8 years ago! I really should blog about that amazing adventure too.

We eventually made our way back to camp (with matches), to enjoy a nice cup of hot tea... and the cranberry scones I had bought the morning we left our home in Tempe, at Wildflower Bread Company. Mmm, they tasted even better in the woods at 8000 ft.!

 By 8:30 am we were on the road for the 15 mile scenic drive up to Cape Royal (9000 ft.). 

Oh my, truly the most stunning views of the Canyon. I was weepy and shaking and praising God when I took these images. And because there was no one around... I believe I repeated those said phrases rather loudly, with occasional shouts of praises to God. I may have even heard my husband yell at me for running around like crazy taking pictures, and then excitedly setting the camera timer, running back to Randy and coming dangerously close to falling off the edge.

But as you can see... I didn't.

What you can't know is that the clouds are moving so fast & furious, that dramatic cloud formations are changing with every clic of the camera. That peak would be engulfed in clouds one second... and crystal clear the next.

Every look-out point proved to be more dramatic than the last.
We couldn't imagine how Point Cape Royal could top any of these...
But we would soon find out...


  1. Beautiful. Thanks for sharing. It was like going on vacation with you. Tomorrow night, shut that window, k?

    Loved hearing your praises to the Lord, they're echoing in my heart.

  2. I'm enjoying all your Praise God photos!! I felt that same sense when we were whale watching off the coast of Maine...and kept singing..."This is my Father's World"...over and over....beautiful out there!
    I'm looking forward to Part 3...Mel's Designs from the Cabin....Mel
