Friday, September 23, 2011

North Rim ~ Day 3

Well, the storm arrived in full-force... and the thunder did not disappoint.
We sat out on the porch of the General Store at the North Rim campgrounds,
enjoying the thunder, rain and our usual coffee & almond crunch Haagen Dazs bars, 
and meeting new friends from all over the world ~
London, Australia, France, Germany, Holland, Connecticut, Virginia and New Orleans.

When there was a break in the storm, we would make our way back to the edge of the Rim. 

Watching the clouds ebb and flow became almost hypnotic. 
I couldn't take my eyes off any given peak for a second without it changing dramatically.
Clic each pic for a bigger, better view.

The North Rim Lodge is such a beautiful building with spectacular views.

We are so thankful we spent every moment we could enjoying the canyon,
because on our last morning we awoke to a cloud covered canyon.
But who's complaining when you've had rain pelting on your van most of the night ~
the ultimate white noise!

Till next time ~ so long North Rim Canyon! (I know you're out there)
And sure enough, by the time we made our way through the National Park entrance ~
blue clear skies.

And just as we were leaving the North Rim National Park, we remembered that our friends Terry & Nancy told us to be sure and stop at Jacob Lake Inn (40 miles from the park entrance) for the best homemade cookies.
What a scrumptious ending to a stupendous adventure!
(I've always wanted to use that word :)
Thanks for coming along!


  1. Most days I'm not too happy about the fact that kids grow up and move away. I like having them around. You gave me a little glimpse of something good about that syndrome though - hubby time! You're showing the beauty of the canyon, I'm seeing the beauty of two people still in love after many years.

  2. Hey Linda, I loved coming along for the ride. We haven't experienced the storms like you did at the Rim and the clouds were gorgeous!

    I love that place! It's one of our favorites.
