Friday, October 21, 2011

acorns, pumpkins & gourds

Yes, roadside stands such as this one is a common occurrence while traveling throughout Wisconsin. And my husband, bless his heart, stopped at every single one. Not so much for me to buy anything, but to photograph everything. And that I did!

I love the rural farm settings and how they decorate big for fall. 
Had we driven to Wisconsin (like we always do), I would have filled up the van with pumpkins, gourds and produce galore. But I refrained till we headed back to Wausau for our flight home... better able to gage how much room we actually had. Which wasn't a whole lot :(
I now believe 10 days of dirty clothes actually take up more room in your luggage :)

So yesterday when emolyn came over, I was determined we would celebrate fall in Phoenix,
even thought the temps are still hovering around 100.
So we made edible acorns.

Here are your cast of characters ~
donut holes ~ Nutella ~ crushed peanuts ~ pretzel sticks.

Oh my gosh. So cute. So yummy. 

"Hey Mimi, you can eat it by holding onto the pretzel stick!"
She's so smart, that girl.
(and happens to think she needs to wear glasses while visiting Mimi)

I bought a white pumpkin off this wagon to decorate for my granddaughters.

And my plan was to paint black polka dots all over...

... but instead I applied each of their names (stick-on lettering) and painted the stem black.

I love how it turned out. So simple. So sweet.
Emolyn couldn't wait to take it home and show her Mama & Elsie!

And what's up with this strange new variety of pumpkins! They sorta creep me out.
So we dubbed them ~ leprosy pumpkins.

Linking up with ~ SHOW AND TELL FRIDAY


  1. Simply gorgeous! Everytime I see all the different gourds

  2. Linda, I love the creepy pumpkins, too... saw a lot this morning at Trader Joe's.
    I have to try those edible acorns since acorns are a traditional motif for us...

  3. Your lettering turned out perfect. You amaze me.

    I didn't have the ambition to decorate much this fall, so I went to a farmer's market and let my daughter pick out mini gourds, pumpkins and Indian corn. She had fun decorating and I think it looks wonderful, so we both were happy.

  4. Looks like fun! Love the names on the pumpkins!

  5. Linda, how cute is that pumpkin!! I love her name on there! And those acorns are such a great idea. I will have to try that. Love your header photo!!! That is gorgeous. I was wishing I had a wide angle lens today, but not in the budget anytime soon. Thanks for stopping by:-) I cannot believe it is near 100 there, and we are dipping into the low 30s!!

  6. Hey Linda, It's been a while since I've been here to visit. I need to catch up on all the posts I missed while I was away. I LOVE your header photo. Also LOVE the sweet pumpkins for the girls. The polka dots would have been fun too. You could do those with stickers also I'll bet. Can't wait to see more about your fall trip. I just told Terry that we need to get to some fall colors sometime in the next month or so. Hope we don't miss it.
