Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

The Fall Festival at our church this year was so much fun!

I spent the week putting together Emolyn's Little Mermaid costume,
so I could hardly wait for them to arrive! 
And I must say, she made quite a splash! (I know, I had to say it)

I found the mermaid tail at Savers and then reconstructed it to fit Emolyn. 
And then after many attempts, I finally gave up and bought a girl's bra at JC Penney Outlet
and transformed it into Ariel's "crab bra". (as Emolyn calls it)
When I was done, I sprayed it with fabric adhesive and gave it a generous dusting of glitter.
I am more than pleased with how it turned out. And so was Emolyn!

 Introducing ~ The Little Mermaid family!

I made 75 miniature cupcakes for the Cupcake Walk that Randy & I love doing for the kids.
And they were gone pretty fast!

The kids loved walk 'n rock 'n to Phil Collin's Tarzan CD!

Point the camera in Emolyn's direction ~ when she's in her element ~ and the girl shines!

This innocent bystander got caught in the middle of Emolyn's theatrics, 
or maybe he was just a prop for her spontaneous antics.
But he sure was a good little sport... and as cute as can be!

 Ariel ~ King Triton ~ Ursula ~ Sebastian 

Our son Tyler loves Clint Eastwood movies and recently watched all his Spaghetti Westerns.
So this year he dressed up as "The Man with No Name" for Halloween.
I love that my adult kids still love pretending and playing dress-up. 
And Halloween gives them (and us) permission to do just that!


  1. Love the pics Linda!
    You did a great job on that costume, so cute!
    What a fun looking party!

  2. Emolyn seems destined to be a superstar!! Sooo cute...
