Thursday, October 06, 2011

Steve Jobs ~ Apple

 We entered the world of technology 21 years ago. It was 1990. Shawn was 8, Miranda 6 and Tyler was 1. Randy had been working a couple years as the janitor at our church while developing his own ministry ~ Randy Thompson Ministries.
Our dear friend David Chatburn had come along side Randy to assist in the business aspect of incorporating the ministry. David was a Mac user. So the data base and graphics he created were on a Mac.
We had been given an old MacIntosh the year before that was unable to run David's software. It was the premier Mac from 1984 ~ the one pictured here with Steve Jobs. Oh the hours I spent journaling my life, on what we affectionately called "the dinosaur".
Randy went full-time with RTM in 1990 and soon bought a new Mac that would allow him to run the data base software that David had created and to create his own graphics. 

So you see, we became Apple users out of necessity. But devoted Apple users for life ~ because they "just work". Come on, the very fact that we've never gotten a virus in all these years is pretty awesome.

I actually remember how excited my husband was when he told me that Steve Jobs was back with Apple... and especially when the iMac was finally unveiled in 1998. It was unlike anything we'd ever seen ~ cute, curvy and colorful. We immediately bought the blueberry one. And sure enough, the iMac singlehandedly turned Apple around. Thanks to Steve Jobs.

We soon outgrew the iMac and moved onto the eMac, then the G3, G4, G5 and then the Macbook Pro laptops ... but ever mindful that the one computer we would hang onto for future display would be that '98 iMac. And we did just that. Over the summer we dusted it off and put it on display ~ when we moved my husband's office down the hall and created his dream recording studio/ office.

Little did we know that months later, Steve Jobs, the creative genius behind this iconic piece of technology would leave this earth.

The very fact that I am sitting here, writing on my blog is a testament to Steve Jobs, who believed that every home would one day have a computer.


  1. Linda, we are faithful mac users too!! We did our whole recording with a used macbook pro, and I use the imac for blogging. No PC could ever do what these have done. And we sync everything right into our iphones. If I could afford an ipad, I would use that on stage. Someday. Will miss him and his innovation.

  2. steve jobs and apple are two things that can not be separated
