Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Washington Island, WI

The day was supposed to be overcast and rainy but as you can see it was the perfect day 
for a 35 minute ferry ride to Washington Island. I was so excited!

And land sakes alive ~ I had no idea that Lake Michigan was so massive!

And looky here ~ the ferry light fixtures are just like my kitchen barn lights!

"Most of the people who settled on Washington Island were Scandinavian immigrants, especially Icelanders. Today, Washington Island is one of the oldest Icelandic communities in the United States 
and among the largest outside of Iceland itself."

So, now that we're here... what do we do? We eat lunch at the Ship's Wheel Restaurant.

Then we decided that rather than rent bikes, we'd just start walking towards town...
and came upon this unbelievably beautiful hiking trail!

I'm serious, it was like this the entire hike ~ vibrant, lush foliage ~ rich, brilliant colors.

And then we saw these... everywhere.

Every single stone was covered in thick kelly green moss! Almost fake looking.
And kinda creepy. Unlike anything I had ever seen.

And every time I would look up ~ I would gasp.

And every time I would look down ~ I would gasp.

You know how I said "Oh my gosh!" like a million times at the North Rim?
Well, I did that again throughout this entire hike...

... along with pointing my camera in every direction. I couldn't take a bad picture.

Oh, be still my heart... I want to live in a cozy cottage in the woods 
at the end of this storybook lane...

... and live happily ever after with this dear, sweet man.

I can't believe I get to live this life alongside someone so accepting and adventuresome.
Thanks Randy for taking me back to my home state of Wisconsin for the past 32 years.
And loving it as much as I do.

(be sure to clic each pic to enlarge)


Mel's Designs from the Cabin said...

I awarded you the Versatile Blogger Award....come check it out at Mel's Designs from the Cabin.

I'm enjoying your trip!

Kristen said...

Oh wow!!! those pictures are breathtaking!!! I really want to take the kiddos to door county and washington island and we may just have to make sure we go in the fall!

Town and Country Gals said...

Those photos make me so homesick! I lived in Greenbay for 3 years and Door County is one of my favorite places on earth! I used to go up there all the time! Wi is a fabulous place! Visiting from Mel's cabin! Would love for you to visit me!

Laurie Kutil said...

Beautiful pictures. I was there with my husband the weekend of September 10
We SO did not want to leave, we will be back soon as we can.